Monday, March 1, 2010

A late Valentine's Post :)

I realize that Valentine's Day has past, but I've been wanting to post these pictures for sometime. I just didn't have them available until now (computer issues) :). Anyway, here they are...

This first picture is a Valentine Stacker that we made at church in Relief Society. I love them! They were so much fun to make and I love having them sit on my mantle since I don't have very much Valentine Decor. So Cute!

I also wanted to show what I finally came up with for my heart garland I was trying to create. It's nothing special, very simple, but I like how it turned out.

I remembered that I had some wooden hearts in a craft box and I used some of my extra paint from the Valentine Stackers above. I punched holes with my crop-a-dile and strung some twine with knots to keep the hearts in place, and Ta-da...I had created a simple and sweet valentine garland! Just what I needed to add some more color and fun to my mantle for the holiday. :)

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