Sunday, March 14, 2010

Ideas for Spring Break...

I haven't planned anything to do with my kiddo's for Spring break and Spring break is already upon us. Here are some fun projects that I just might have to do with them.

Just found this fun idea for a newspaper hut. Go check it out here at Pepper Paints.
Maybe it's time to make that TeePee I've always wanted - with this tutorial from Sew Mama Sew

DIY I Spy Photo Book found here at rookie moms. What a great idea!

My kids have been fascinated with rubber balls lately. I know they would find this activity a blast. Find it at Fun with Mama.

Growing wheat grass is always a fun thing to do before Easter. I've posted this idea before listed under my Easter label - go here and scroll down until you see the Wheat Grass ideas. :)

Tonya over at This and That made this amazing barnyard play mat. I don't think I can make something as amazing, but maybe something on a smaller level maybe. Go here to check out her stuff. So cute...
My kids do not have any bean bags. We need some bean bags! Go Here at Mama Mel Loves to find this creative idea...
Over at Scrumdilly-do this fun project is featured for the 100 days of school, but I think it is a great project for everyday. My kids love painting. Go here to see what it looks like once the tape is removed. Very fun!

And I've always wanted to frame my kids hand prints in some creative way or frame their silloutes. Maybe that would be a good project for this week. :)
I do plan to make sugar cookies in the shape of shamrocks for St. Patty's Day, but that's about it.
And maybe just maybe we will do some handwriting worksheets from the Activity Village - Love this site.

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