Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blog Book For the sake of remembering this is a site where you can print up your blogs and put them in a book format. This is something I had hoped could be done when I started our family blog. So...when I have acquired enough posts I am definitely going to do this. Yeah!

Educational Site for Kids

I have a friend that told me about this site where you can create your own words or names to print for your child to trace. What a great idea to help your child learn their letters and start writing their names. They also have creative ideas to help your children learn the letters of the alphabet. This is a site I will be visiting often as I try to help my boy learn his letters and sounds.

Flower Hair Clips

I found these cute clips on this blog and loved her idea of gluing a piece of felt with two slits in the back so that she could change the clip from flower to flower - how smart!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Flag Quilt

Another cute quilt idea...

Nativity Puppets

I found these awhile ago on Tip Junkie and think they are darling. I plan to make some for my kids!
I also found this cute and simple finger puppet nativity by Roman Inc.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Homemade Cards for Christmas

I made these cards for my family for Christmas. They are nothing special, but I thought they turned out OK. Unfortunately I took these pictures before digital camera time in our family - thus the fact they are cut off on top.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Darling Quilt

Another cute quilt I found on the Make and Takes website. I love the colors - so cute!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Birthday Cakes

I know these are nothing special, but the idea's are so creative. I got them from Kraft's Food website. love this website! For the past two years I have let Jacob pick out what cake he would like. I've steared him to ones I think I can actually accomplish. There are some really involved ones that I know wouldn't turn out anything near the picture if I attempted them. So I have been glad that Jacob has chosen ones I can do. Here they are...

I had to get creative with some of the ingredients. I couldn't find chocolate gold coins or the candy necklaces that I needed so I improvised. I guess it still worked.

This rocket cake was delicious! The recipe used a white cake mix and had you poke holes were you poured a jello mixture inside - then chill. So yummy! There were candles at the bottom that you can't really see in the picutre, but it gave the cute effect of taking off. Very fun!
Update: Here is the most recent b-day was suppose to be a fire truck, but I ran out of red food coloring unfortunately.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Chore Charts

I needed very simple chore charts to motivate my children to get ready in the morning and clean up and get ready for bed in the evening. So this is what I came up with... I made them super-duper simple and they seem to be motivating my son just like I'd hoped. I made stars with velcro on back for him to place on the chores he's completed and I also included a bonus spot for a job he can do to earn a dime when it's completed. It's been a great way to teach responsibility and to help my son earn some money for the things he wants. It's also been a great way for us to teach him about tithing.
Here's a close up of Jacob's chart. He really likes it and I really like that he uses it. I think they turned out pretty good. :)

Greeting Card Holder

Another Idea I got from Enrichment. I think it is so let's just hope I use it. :) It was so easy to make. You just need 12x12 Scrapbook Cardstock. They had some available at Enrichment that had designs on both sides. I loved this becuase it saved time, but it does mean you have to like the design on each side, because it shows up on the other side.

I made my cover out of heavy duty cardboard. The pieces actually came from inside a Calendar - it worked for me, but really any method to cover the book is great. Some people purchased 8x8 3 ring binders. I wanted to go for inexpensive and actually was pleased with the outcome. This is a picture of the inside. After folding up the bottom of the 12x12 sheet of paper you place a month card (as seen below) and put the names of people with birthdays or other dates to remember listed on them.
Here is a picture of some cards placed in the July sleve that was created by folding the page up and glueing in place. So easy!
Here is another view from the top. You can see all the different colors and designs. Very Cute!

Paper Plate Flowers

In Primary the children made these Mother's Day Flowers for their Mom's. We did have a picture of the children in the center that we had taken a week previous. Somehow we didn't have a few of the children's pictures, Jacob's included. So this is Jacob's without his picture, but it was a cute idea, so I thought I would post it. We choose to use silk flowers, but construction leaves could have been cute as well. The leaf is Jacob's handprint. Cute!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Sunday Projects

Here are some pictures from a quiet book that I made to show for Enrichment. This is the site where all these cute pages are found. I just put them in Sheet protectors and used the sticky velcro. Very Easy and my kids love them! I also have some other projects that I have been meaning to finish, but haven't quit got around to doing. I don't want to forget about them so I am posting them on this site. One is an Idea I thought I came up with, but later found something similar in the "Friend" magazine. A Sunday Box. On Sundays I am always trying to think of things the kids can do and play that tends to be more spiritual and not so much everydaylistic (one of my special words) :). The others are quiet books that I wanted to make for Church. One is called "A book about Me". It is filled with pictures and things about the children found on this site. The other quiet book I would like to make is from a compilation of Sunday Programs. We have such nice ones with great pictures that I hate to throw them away. So I have developed quit a stash of these and the plan is to make them into a quiet book. Let's hope it works...or even happens. :) I'll post the finished product when it's completed.

My Kraft Recipe Book

I love Krafts Food website. They have a place you can keep all your favorite recipes. Mine is becoming quit full. A project that I plan to do (if I can get myself around to it) is to print and put all my favorite kraft recipes in one binder. Wouldn't that be nice! (maybe this could even work as a gift - tied up with an apron.)

The Exploding Box

Ok, so hopefully I don't overload on the added posts today, but I have so many projects that I want to post. I love scrapbooking I just never find time to do it, but here is a project I found that I really want to try and make....when I can find the time. Isn't it so cute!

This is the site I found this idea on She calls it "The Exploding Box" - I think it looks fun. Can't wait to make mine!

Mini I Spy Quilt

Here is an idea I just got off one of my new favorite sites, Mini I Spy Quilt -

Isn't it cute! I think it would be a fun thing for kids and it has a dual purpose - of keeping kids warm. Cute Idea!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I made these journals for the kids as something to do on Sundays. We pull them out and the kids can color, draw, or have Mom & Dad write down things they learned at Church or anything at all really. I saw the idea to decorate notebooks on another persons blog and thought they were cute. So here is my version. Her's were much cuter, but I didn't want to use my really cute paper and stuff. I also laminated them with duct tape :) that way the ink wouldn't smear and finger prints wouldn't be all over the covers. They turned out cute and the kids like them. :)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Our Castle

Santa Clause was kind enough to let Steve and I help with this project :) I think it turned out pretty good, especially because we made it without a pattern and all. The kids love it and it comes down and stores real nicely. (The PVC pipe just detaches and the fabric just drapes over it.) I am pleased with it!

Here are the instruction as best as I could put them together. This was all made by guess work, so obviously sizes can be changed to make it the size you'd like. :)
Picture Above: (Poles from left to right)
8 = 53" (4'5") height
4= 42" (3'6") width
3=22" (1'10") part of length
9(including the flag)=14" (1'2") part of length

The connectors:
(I don't know the real names for these pieces so bare with me - this is the best I could come up with) Top to bottom:
8= Y - corner connectors
5= T connectors
1=+ connectors
2= L - elbow connectors

Picture Above: This has the poles with the connectors attached.

Above picture: The Base

Above picture: The finished frame

These next pictures show the castle being drapped on.

Side window
These last two picutres are from the inside of the castle. I used velcro to open the door and windows.

Scripture Bag

So I was in need of a scripture bag and found this free pattern online and decided to give it a try. The pattern was intended to make a small handbag, not a scripture tote, but all in all it came out ok and works for the purpose. The fabric was just a bunch of scraps I have collected nothing fancy. But anyway, here it is...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

My very own place - Yipee!

Hi - I'm Amy. I made this site as a place I could keep great ideas and projects that I would like to work on or maybe ones I have actually completed and want to share. One way or the other, I can tell this is going to be one of my favorite places to visit often. A place just for me - Amy. :)