Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween Oreo Pops

I love these cute and fun orea pops from the Idea Room.

Owl Pillow Box

Lisa Storm gives the pdf file for these cute Owl Pillow Boxes. Fun Idea!

3-D Paper Pumpkins

These fun paper pumpkins can be found on It Happened like this. Love them!

White Chocolate Halloween Treats

Strawberry Ghosts from Muffin Tin Mom

Rice Krispies Mummies from eighteen25

Halloween Inspiration from Katherine Marie

Katherine Maries.com has these darling ideas for both Count's Teeth and Franky's Playdough.  Love 'em! 

DIY Monster Pedestal Jars

The Celebration Shoppe gives a tutorial to these darling Monster Pedistal Jars. Link Here.

Fall Soups

These yummy fall soups can be found on eighteen25's site here is the link to the recipes. :) Yum!

Tohoku Tote

This darling tote was created by I Am Momma Hear Me Roar, but I found it via Ucreate for their create with me series.  I love all the bags people submitted.  Here are some of my favorites. You'll have to click on this link  Here that will lead you to the Ucreate post. There you can see these and so many more cute bags and thier links to their owners. So cute!