Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Halloween Playdough

Everyone knows that kids will get plenty of goodies while trick-o-treating. So why not give your childs classmates something other than goodies this year. Check out the tutorial by Ashley from Under the Sycamore

Halloween Decor

eighteen25 had guest Shelly Smith from House of Smiths. She had some great ideas for decorating for Halloween . Check out this picture of hers below. Link

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Turkey Cookies

Turkey cookies from "My Paper Crane"

Turkey Hat

Turkey Hat from "One More Moore"

Child Friendly Place Settings

These are some fun place setting ideas for children from "No Fuss Fabulous"
(click on each pictures for the links)

Cookie Lollipops (dum-dum size)

Another fun cookie from The Decorated Cookie - so cute!

Thanksgiving cookies :)

The Decorated Cookie has some of the funnest ideas. Here are some cookies for Thanksgiving. :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hairy Spider Cake

"At Secomd Street" has this darling hariy spider cake and the tutorial to make it and the pedistal it sits on. Darling!

Vellum Spider Web Candle Shades

Katie from "Wannabe Crafter" has a free downlload for these darling Spider Web Shades. So Cute!

Parmesan Witches' Brooms

A recipe from Betty Crocker for some Parmesan Bread sticks in the shape of Witches' Brooms. Great with a bowl of Chile.

Halloween Ideas From the Idea Room

For example: Mummy pizza's or dogs, Pumpkin shaped bread bowl, Candy corn cookies or popsicles.

So fun! Happy Halloween! :)

Fluffy Spiders

Fluffy spiders taught by Jen Johnson found off of eighteen25. Here it is hanging from this darling fireplace mantel

Spooky Bags

Such Cute Spooky Bags made by "How-does-she?" found via eighteen25

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Monogram Wall Art

A cute idea to frame some family memories or tidbits that bring smiles alongside the Monogram of your last name. Cute. this would even be cute to put in a scrapbook of sorts. :) Found off of somewhat simple.

Paper Flower Topiary

If I am ever super motivated to do some kind of paper craft this would be it. Super cute, but looks like a lot of work. :) From Bits of Me - Found it via Somewhat Simple

Lemon Burst Cake Mix Cookies

Lemon Burst Cake Mix Cookies....hmmm. Yum! Found it on Tidy Mom

Towel Bib

I can't remember if I have ever posted a tutorial on a towel bib, but I know I have wanted to make one and have never goten around to it yet. Here's a tutorial from SewSara.

A Number Playmat

Go over to Everyday Celebrations and check out her darling number playmat.

Remember to Check Your Pockets!

I have to agree with Loved Stiched that it is really annoying to find paper, pens, stickers, etc. in your clean laundry when you are pulling it out of the wash machine. No matter how much I tell my family I will probably continue to find pens and such in their pockets. (I know I should probably be checking it myself...) :) Love this idea for a Laundry Reminder - it's great!

Fall Wreath

Found this on Nester via 30 Days and loved it!