Tuesday, March 31, 2009


I liked this frame with all the pictures of this family found here http://girlystuffin.blogspot.com/2008/10/target-upgrade.html

Friday, March 27, 2009

More Wheat Grass and Cute Easter Tins

Found on Tip Junkie - from Southern Living

Centerpiece Gems

I saw this picture and although I'm not actually looking into making a twig centerpiece - it was the rocks/gems in the vase that caught my attention. I was planning on using the same method for a centerpiece, but forgot....I need to remember this as I attempt to create something for our table.- picture from http://meandmyinsanity.blogspot.com/

Edible Easter Nest

I have wanted to make these for my kids every Easter... it is time. Check out "My Insanity" for a how-to http://meandmyinsanity.blogspot.com/2008/03/easterso-soon.html

Someone Else's Spring Decor...

and a darling cabinet. I like the spring decor alot, but it was the color fof the cabinet that caught me. I am looking into painting my old second hand furniture and this color is a possibility. Love it! http://cherrysjubileehome.blogspot.com/2009/03/hippity-hoppity.html

Time to have fun...

with wheat grass this spring. Look at how awesome theese are. Found on My Sweet Savannah - http://mysweetsavannah.blogspot.com/2009/03/spring-in-pot.html

Floral Topiaries

Years ago i saw a cute topiarie on a friends table and really wanted to make my own. So here I am coming across a tutorial finally and I am really excited. Found on Initialee - http://initialee.blogspot.com/2009/03/easy-spring-decor.html

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Paper Wreath

Tutorial for this cute paper wreath... http://theredthreadblog.blogspot.com/2008/11/paper-christmas-wreath-tutorial.html This wreath would also be cute in other colors for the other holidays or seasons.

Egg Wreath

I have wanted an egg wreath for sometime...I love the idea of making one. Check out the tutorial that Living with Lindsay provides http://www.livingwithlindsay.com/2009/03/diy-mottled-egg-spring-wreath.html

Arent't these sayings great?

I came across these signs on Able Mabel and just love her sayings. Check them out at http://mabelisable.blogspot.com/


I found these pillows on the site "Don't Look Now" http://dontlooknow.typepad.com/dont_look_now/ and I absolutely love them! Aren't they the cutest. If I get real brave maybe I will try to make them for my kids.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Girls Room

I like the pillow that is sitting there on the floor by the base of the table as well as the bench with drawers...anywhere you can put more storage is a great thing in our home. Found this at http://www.zarahome.com/shop/gb/en/zara-home-kids/home

Hand Print Art

This was made from a kit...but I found the idea at A Room Somewhere http://www%20.aroomsomewhere.net/2008/10/handprints.html I have wanted to do handprints of my kids for sometime - this is a creative way.


I like the simplicityof this quilt found out of this magazine http://www.amazon.com/Material-Obsession-Modern-Quilts-Traditional/dp/1584797525/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1236801369&sr=1-1.
Picture from http://www.howaboutorange.blogspot.com/
This quilt is sure pretty... found off Little Birdie Secrets.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Nursing Cover

The last few days I have found that I needed to nurse my boy when I have had company over. I was really wishing I had some kind of cover. A blanket just doesn't stay on the way I'd like. So I got online and was determined to find something I could create. Here are a few things that are out there for ideas.

This one is from Peanut Shell:

This one is from Loved Baby:

This one is from Busy Baby Wraps:

This one is from Balboa Sling:

This next one came from this site... http://www.bebeaulait.com/

And this was an example of how the above fit behind you:

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fav Finds Off Crazy Mom Quilts

I want to make each and everyone of these projects. How do people create such cute stuff...I'm loving it!

Quilts from Crazy Mom Quilts

I am in LOVE with the quilts on Crazy Mom Quilts. She is amazing in my opinion. I wanted to include so many more pictures, but realized I had already outdone myself with the stash I am posting. So I will have to settle for these. Now...the idea is for me to get started on a quilt of my own. I can only hope mine turns out something similar. :)