Saturday, January 17, 2009

Etched Pans

I have been curious for some time how people have made those etched pans. Well...I found my answer on Make and Takes

Update: here is another tutorial

Fun Quilt

I was browsing Crazy Mom Quilts - there are so many darling quilts I could post. Recently she posted about this one she found here at I thought it was cute.
I like rag quilts a lot and I love this one she made...

Friday, January 2, 2009

In place of Christmas Decorations

I hate taking down all my Christmas Decorations. I would probably leave them up until Valentines if I didn't have a baby on the way,but with a new arrival very soon I know they would still be up come Easter and summer, because I am only capable of doing a few things at a time and my house will be on the back of the list with baby and kids on top. So....what I am getting at is that I love to leave up my snowman and snowflakes and anything that has to do with winter, because it is still winter and then i don't feel so bad not taking them down until Easter :). I can even leave up some white lights. (Which I love!) is a snowflake project that I thought looked cute and simple. :)

Again I found it under Tip Junkies Super Saturday Crafts, but the link wasn't working so I don't know exactly how she made it, but it is cute!

Tile Pictures

I have seen these before and want to give them a try some day. I really like the idea of doing a family photo one. I found both pictures off of Tip Junkie under Super Saturday Crafts.
Here is a tutorial for the one just above...